Mindful Meals

At Creative, we are selective about our suppliers and our produce, choosing wherever possible, that which contributes and gives our people and our planet a sustainable future.

We want to know that the veggies and fruit we select are seasonal and grown with minimalistic impact on the environment, that the animal welfare of our meat, poultry and dairy had reasonably free and comfortable lives, and that our techniques and planning in the kitchen is accurate and efficient without being wasteful.

Achieving sustainability in our supply chain and our business can’t be achieved overnight, but we’re counting our steps with tomorrow in mind: Continually seeking out supply partners with similar core values, and aligning our menus with the natural cycles and processes of nature’s seasons. Being mindful at all times ensures we can learn and share more because we want to make a difference.

We urge you to QUESTION MORE!

By asking a simple question –Where does this food come from, starts the process that leads to greater awareness of how the world around us works, who we are in that world, and how the food we eat represents what we want the world to be.”

With this in mind, here are few delicious meals you can prepare by simply Reusing and Transforming last nights leftovers into another tasteful, economical meal.
